Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wow – what a morning. I got to work early and have been for a 6km run – awesome awesome awesome. We now have a shower at work and this makes it all possible. That and the fact that I no longer feel the intense need to be at my desk from 06h00 every morning anymore. Oh the joys of being in a resignation period!

I cannot believe how alive I feel today – a run first thing in the morning is something that I have not done in years. I feel liberated and I suppose this is the first of many changes that I will be making in my life in order to make it mine again. I cannot believe how tied up I have been in my companies' business for so many years of my life. I feel like I am breaking free and yet I have never really felt imprisoned. In fact the allure of my job and the trappings of success have pretty much covered up the missing bits. How wrong I might have been – this freedom tastes good and I am keen to drink a whole lot more of it.

I imagine that this freedom also tastes good because I still am living in both worlds - the comfortable salary keeps on coming in and at the same time I am able to make choices that are very different from the choices that I had to make in the past. This honeymoon will only last for 3 months, after that the money concern must come into play and once again guide ones choices (or must it?). The other concern on my mind is that I do not want to drop the many balls at work either. I would think it pretty pointless to burn my bridges when so close to the end and after so many years of hard dedicated work! An interesting paradox that I am going to thoroughly enjoy wading through!