Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I created this Blog a couple of days ago and have put off this first post. I wanted it to be special and really have some hooks to keep you reading. Alas - none have come to me yet! So here we go....

I am 34 and have been disenfranchised with my life for some time. That's not entirely true; a good part of my life has been awesome, the family and home part. The part that has been a concern for the last couple of years has been my work life. I have felt that there has to be something more that one can expect from life other than working damn hard and then fitting in your family and your passions around your work timetable. I suspect that I am right and after much contemplation have decided to take the bold move into the unknown - I have resigned!

This has not been an easy step. After all, earning a fantastic salary, having a really cool job, huge amounts of power and plenty of perks and giving all of this up for, well not sure yet. I suppose it is all in the pursuit of a dream. At work you hear the overused term "work / life balance". There is plenty of lip service to this issue BUT there is no real possibility of it happening. And so I am on a path to create my own balance. Hopefully a path that will allow me to build a new life around my family, my passions and a bit of community time. It's all rather pie in the sky at the moment and hence the reason for this blog - this is my journey to finding the truth on the other side. Can you give up everything, take a leap of faith and land in Utopia? Follow me and we shall see.