Monday, October 15, 2007

Hey the weekend was busy in the extreme and filled with some meaningful discussions about work life balance. It was most interesting to hear a number of views on the issue and to realise how many people are currently confronting this issue.

Key is that your life is filled with choices that you make. Sure there are things that happen to you BUT it is your choice how you react to those things (victor / victim mentality I suppose). In this life we choose what is important to us and then we continue to make choices that support those that choice. This leads to an interesting thought - are our lives self fulfilling prophecies? Do we create our own misery and joy through the choices we make on what we think will make us happy? Do we need a far deeper level of self insight to understand ourselves first before we can rationally make these choices and then be fulfilled if we actually ever achieve them? Are we all just confused and is this the reason for the mayhem in our world today? OK so today I have plenty of questions and I am not sure that I will ever have the answers.

An analogy could be that some of our subconscious choices are like a fork in the road, the more we take the one fork, the more the other becomes disused and overgrown until we are unsure if there is a path there or not. In other words we make decisions about our life and we don't even realise that we are making these decisions. Wow deeply philosophical stuff! Is there any subject matter out there on this stuff - surely somebody has written about this in the past?

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