Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I spent some time at the dentist yesterday. It was as much fun as getting two fillings could be. It is all part of my master plan to ensure that I have completed all of the possible admin before leaving the comfort and safety of my employer. The dentist completed the trio of optometrist and medical. I can now see and chew and know to chew more of the good stuff and less of the bad stuff. What can I say, I am now fully prepared to join the real world.

With a larger than normal jaw, I spent the day at home. Don’t get me wrong, this was not a sick day due to the pain of fillings (what pain?). Rather the appointment was in the middle of the day and it was simpler to work from home for the day. The point of this long and laborious explanation is that working from home was not as easy as I had thought. Can you believe I actually thought it would be a simple adjustment from my office to my home office? I ended my day with a feeling of complete dissatisfaction. I really had not achieved much at all during the day. The worst thing is that I spent the whole day busily working away. My takeout is that I need to manage my own emotional well being. The consequences of having a number of days where you believe that you have added no value must be devastating, especially when your creative endeavor is the writing of a book.

On the positive side – it was great to spend a day around my children. I write ‘around’ due to the fact that I was able to have breakfast with them and chat to them over lunch and then play with them later in the day. I thoroughly enjoyed that aspect of the day.

Another thought that has just occurred to me is that I will need to take the full year off and not think about going back to work if things are not working out the way that I want. It is absolutely key that I take all of the pressure off this next year. This year is about trying to get the skills that I require to be able to rebuild my life. Obviously I want to do as much as I can to get this new (as yet unidentified) venture off the ground as soon as possible. I can see this being an interesting dilemma as I already see myself being successful in a couple of months. If I am honest with myself, I will understand that there is no way that this is going to come right in a couple of months. Once again, I have this elevated and unrealistic opinion of myself. I think that I am going to find myself humbled regularly in this new world!