Monday, May 19, 2008

What do you spend most of your day talking about? Is it the weather or crime or clothes or idiots on the road? Do you have shallow conversations about just general stuff, you know small talk? Or do you have deep meaningful conversations about general stuff, like love and peace and parenthood and faith?

Does the stuff you talk about make you think? Do you walk away after conversations thinking about how your discussion changed your opinion, your mind, your paradigm? Do you go and do something different as a result of that conversation? Do you have a similar conversation with somebody else as you marvel at your new insights and thoughts?

Does life make sense to you? Is the meaning of your life clear? Are you on the path that you want to be on? Are you happy? Do you want more? Do you want less? Are you fulfilled? Do you share your insights with others? Do you make a difference?

Will you have a conversation today that is deep and challenging? Can you inspire somebody to think? Do you think if we all think more, we may do things differently? And if we do things differently, is it possible that we may get different outcomes? Can you do it?


Anonymous said...

well we don't know if we can do it, but we certainly think of the things you mentioned, and some other stuff too.
best of luck in your journey. we'll keep tabs.
love aimee & chris
ps. hello to the fam.....

Mark Eames said...

Ello you 2,
Very happy to see that you have caught up with us again! Stay cool and I look forward to more of your insight!