Friday, May 30, 2008

Yesterday, I spent some time at the Harmony Camp in Gordons Bay. This is the camp in the Helderberg for all of the displaced refugees out our side of the world. And yes, I know that I have been harping on this issue....

The first thing that struck me was the way so many people have banded together to help. All traditional divisions seem to have melted away through the act of giving aid to others. I joined the Muslims as they dished out lunch. Chatting to some of the ladies, they had been busy since early peeling potatoes (120kg of them) and preparing food. Feeding 1500-2000 people is no small task. Yet this lunch effort, as well as lunch for the whole week, was given through the generosity of their small Muslim community in the area. Most of this camp seems to be manned by someone or other of a religious persuasion and everyone seems to be working side by side in harmony. There is a strong element of people feeding the hungry and clothing the naked. Something inside me rejoiced at the fact that all people at their very core are compassionate loving beings and that no matter what we are, we can look after the good of our fellow man!

The other thing that touched me was the lack of anger. I asked some people if they were angry and most said no. The rest said that they were angry because their stuff got wet in the rain. This was of course not the most comprehensive survey. Hmmmm, these people have been attacked, they fear for their lives, they have been booted out of their housing, they have been forced to stay in tents with far too many other people, in the rain, they stand in long lines for clothes, food, and showers and they are not angry???? I would have been livid!! I am in awe of that attitude. It almost seems as if there is a ray of hope within all of these people. I guess hope based on a slim chance that they may become legal through this process. It reminds one of the example set by a South African hero who after 27 years in jail lead us all in a spirit of peace and reconciliation!

One of the guys I know went home to his house the other night. The next day he was kindly informed by his neighbours that he had best be gone by that evening or there would be consequences! That makes my blood run cold. It also makes me angry, so angry that I am keen to go over there and stir up some trouble. And yet, then I would be perpetuating the cycle of violence, in order to prove that my way is the only way!

So on the one hand, I am moved by the deep compassion and love shown by so many. On the other, I am appalled by the darkness. Which way are you going to go?

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