Thursday, January 27, 2011

HIgh on life

Imagine a mad scramble through traffic to beat the rush hour of Johannesburg. A hotel overlooking the Wanderers cricket ground, submerged under the scaffolding of refurbishment. A meeting to discuss a piece of work with a common client.

Surely, you are completely bored by now.

Then imagine a man running in to this meeting; high on life and full of energy. And we are not talking about me now. A man bursting with ideas, spewing incredible stories, exuding passion like an aura, together with a few beads of sweat. Crazy thoughts linked together, humility, self depreciation, stacks of humour, and a scotch.

Now you have met Aki! A customer service guru, with attitude, ability, and adrenaline to spare.

And then this manifestation of energy asks me to work with him on another project. A project that could provide me with work on my terms for a number of years. It would require me to lift my game on a number of levels but could ultimately prepare me for one of my big ambitions; the public speaking circuit.

Funny how life works...

1 comment:

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Take it as a sign and a challenge.