Friday, December 5, 2008

Mums & Bums

My weekend (1 or 2 ago) was full of laughs. Mostly the stuff of great friends and family just having a plain good old time! It was camping weekend, something that could drive fear into any hardened suburban housewife. But not my wife! It has taken years but I think she is as close as she can be to enjoying camping. Years of effort and wise investment into giant Tabard candles, canvas, and inflatable beds have been the driving forces.

Normally there are four families that band together, pitch tents, feast on gourmet creations over an open fire, and play silly games with our children. This time there were only three. One mother pulled out as she did not think her four week old baby would be able to handle the gourmet creations. Or at least thats what I think the reason was.

We have rated this particular place that we go as the best camping spot we have ever been too. Picture rolling grass lawns down to the banks of a river, giant trees shading your site, almost your own mini forest, your own ablution block, and best of all, no other campers within 500m of your site! This place is a gem, and this weekend was our second visit.

The river is fast flowing and a transparent tea colour. It is filled with smoothed river rocks, which have created their own white water rapids. These particular festivities all started with one of the boys wading upstream a bit and then floating back down to where we all lounged in the cold mountain water. Then all of the boys were at it. It did not take long before all the children had found a place further upstream to enter the river and get a fun filled river ride. Yours truly was soon forced to try out this new entertainment with my little guy on my stomach. I very quickly realised that some skill was required to navigate between rocks otherwise I found myself royally thumped. All much to the enjoyment of my youngest who thought the wild up and down gyration of my middle was my addition to the game. How could I spoil that wonderful illusion by explaining that every up was the result of a collision with a rock!

During the day, there were suddenly load raucous screams, laughter and much giggling. Some of that noise sounded suspiciously like it originated with my wife. Having a deep understanding that nothing in camping could ever bring forth multitudes of mirth, I was understandably concerned for her safety. Rushing to the river’s edge, the screams and shouts were undiminished but their source was evident. Three mums bumping and bouncing their way down the rapids on their bums! The kids could not believe their eyes! Neither could I, but I was busy feeling on the grass to find my eyeballs that had popped out of my head on witnessing this sight. With much gaiety, laughter, and yes back slapping, they ran on back through the camp site to do it all again!

This was a good weekend!!! Bring on some more.....

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