Thursday, April 30, 2009

Too Silly

I have spent a lot of time at home over the last eight weeks. As one would expect, there have been many benefits including; a finished half pipe, lots of surfing, community work, church work, and most importantly plenty of family time.

The whole reason that I left the corporate world was mainly as a result of the lack of time I got to spend with my family. My job kept me busy enough to ensure that 2 or 3 hours a week with my children was pushing the limits. I had known that this was a problem for a long time but a reasonable solution just seemed to be out of my grasp. In the end, I figured that it was better to earn a fraction of my then salary and rather invest time into my family. After all, I did commit to spend my life with my wife! I just don’t remember doing the same when I joined my old company. Somehow sans the long term commitment, that company consistently got the best parts of me for those 11 years. It just wasn’t right!

Yes, my family seemed to come in second, all the time. I think that I was one of the lucky ones in that my wife and children are still with me. And yes, there is a lot of love in our house! To think that I almost lost all of this for a FAT pay check.....

Money just doesn’t buy real love! But most of the world is hell bent on proving this statement wrong. Surely money is just too much fun to be given up for love???

If I look back over the last 8 weeks, I can clearly see that this time has helped me grow in a particular way. I have always been a tough, strict parent but now I have added silly to my repertoire!! Trust me, this is growth! My children love silly. Truth be told, I enjoy it too. That place where one can just let go of everything and just be funny face, laugh out loud from your gut, roll on the floor, tickle monster, silly.

My relationship with my children has gotten unimaginably better in the last couple of weeks. At long last, I am starting to feel like a real dad, and that my friends, is an incredibly liberating experience!

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