Thursday, June 5, 2008

I have many wonderful male friends whose support, advice and friendship has been invaluable throughout my life but absolutely critical over the last couple of months. I have enjoyed many deep and exciting conversations that have challenged my thinking in many ways. These friends have encouraged my further growth and development and been deeply concerned about my wellbeing. I could not be where I am today without them all.

Yesterday, I met a fellow traveller on a similar path to mine. That in itself was an incredible highlight, to actually find somebody with very similar thoughts and ideals. More than that, we did something very different, certainly a first in my life. We set aside a whole day for a chat.

In a world where men spend most of their time stalking their prey with stealth and cunning, like leopards. In an explosion of aggression and speed, they pounce and rip apart the unsuspecting victim with their superior force. Without compassion, they drain their new found prize of all its life and joy, till it lies unmoving and rotten.

And we had a chat! For the whole day....

It is hard to describe a discussion that was so deep and wide ranging. Where I was able to bare my soul without fear and know that I too was getting a deep look at the soul of another. Where ideas and thoughts tumbled forth to be encouraged with more ideas and thoughts. Where my half baked theories were exposed for what they were and I was inspired to look further and deeper for answers than I had ever done before.

It is funny for me as a guy to write about a discussion. I suppose that this is a space generally reserved for crackpots, billionaires, nutty professors, and one or two orderlies from the mental ward! It was simply two men catching up on a lifetime of very separate experiences linked by a common bond, the need to serve others. Yesterday was a gift. One of those rare occasions where one connects to another human individual on a level so deep that it frightens.

A new friendship has been born. I know that both of us had the feeling that this day was so important that our lives have been changed. Our futures radically altered in ways that we are yet to experience. The great possibility that the power of two is so much greater than one. We can shake the world!

This was just a chat, that may have changed my life!


AngelConradie said...

that is so cool!
talk about a once in a lifetime opportunity- and you didn't let it slip past you!

Mark Eames said...

It was goooood! I am blessed to be in a space where this kind of thing can happen and be meaningful!

Rock on sister!