Monday, June 16, 2008

I had one of those weeks last week. A week where my life started off full of chaotic home based mayhem as most do. My book was only one chapter behind on my latest book plan and more than two thirds complete. My running, Xhosa and surfing were on track as were all of my other commitments. I was hoping for another simple week of writing. Instead I got a call;

‘Please do some work for us on a project in Africa!’


This was not in my plan for my life at all. Well, at least not for the next 6 months. I have always known that management consulting would possibly be a fall back position next year when it was time to start earning the mighty rand again. But not now!

My first reaction was that I have things to do. There are all of my commitments, my family, my photography and of course my book. And yet, here is an opportunity of fantastic proportions that could kick start that elusive income into the future as I build a consultancy. So this could work for me! More than that, this is a test of whether all of the stuff that I have been writing about balancing your life can work in reality, rather than in my imagination while I sit in my comfortable high back office chair. Is it possible to run a professional and successful management consultancy that fits into my core value of family first? Will I be able to balance my time effectively so that I continue to give my children and my wife the best parts of me? Do I have the ability to sell and implement my skills in the open market place? What a challenge to my abilities and deepest thoughts. This is a challenge I cannot refuse!

And so my week was filled with all sorts of thoughts, apprehensions, plans, internet searches, and deep soul searching. Shamefully, not a word was written!

My last 6 months have been spent writing in English, speaking lots of Afrikaans and learning Xhosa. I have never been a languages person and yet somehow have managed to access a very different part of my brain to be just that. Yesterday, my old brain kicked into gear. Yes, it was a frightening moment, but suddenly the ‘where do I start?’ fear was replaced by a cold certainty that I knew what to do!

It is time for my theory to hit the road. Is true balance attainable? Can one turn one’s life on its head and make it work? I hope to show you that anyone can!


Sweets said...

sounds like a great opportunity! hmmmm you know you're not going to finish writing your book soon right? :)

Mark Eames said...

Hiya Sweets,

Sadly you are right, the book will have to go on hold for a couple of months. Hopefully I will find some time to write a little to keep in the groove. I also think this experience will give me some time to think carefully about all I have written as I try and apply it to my life!!! Gotta find the positive here...