Friday, August 28, 2009

Piles of it

Attention, attention! A serious problem has reared its ugly head in our home. Chocolate overload! The past couple of weeks have seen the number of chocolate bars in our cupboard rise substantially. It has always been a measly none, and I can tell you I craved it like mad then.

This morning I was given another one to add to the pile. The pile is now six slabs high, and that does not include the countless boxes and bunnies sharing breathing space in the cupboard...

All of a sudden, I don’t really feel like any chocolate. Perhaps I have discovered the answer to all cravings. Excess!

What am I going to do?

1 comment:

AngelConradie said...

I have always managed to hang onto my cooking chocolate until I want to use it- and its not the shirty kind that leaves a layer of wax on the inside of your mouth- but any other chocolate mysteriously vanishes...