Monday, August 3, 2009

More than Enough

My wife and I spent Saturday doing some serious spring cleaning. Not because it is spring but rather because of an unshakable feeling that we have too much stuff. We have so much that just sits in drawers and cupboards and never gets used. What a waste, when so many people living just a few kilometres from our house could really make great use of it all.

Anyhow, we worked hard and late and forgot to plan for dinner. Hence why I found myself with a mound of take aways on the front seat of my car. Whilst passing a number of people hunched into their clothes against the cold and walking tiredly home, I had an interesting thought. What if I stopped and randomly handed one of them a packet of hot chips? Surely I had more than enough food to feed my family? And even if it was not enough, I have more than enough other food at home...

Then I really got to thinking. How would I know that the person I chose to feed deserved my gift? How would I know that they would not be offended?

So I drove on home...

I am such an idiot. We had a great meal and we had food left over. I felt really bad. Nothing like having a charitable thought and not following through! Pathetic!

I love receiving stuff. It does not matter what it is, it is just great to get something for nothing. I have no doubt that anyone out there would be happy for the unexpected random act of kindness. Perhaps they would then pass it on and create a utopian chain of joy. Perhaps they would just have eaten my measly packet of chips and felt full for the first time in the day, or week, or even the month!

I am still kicking myself that I did not share last night. I have more than enough, but most people in my country have almost nothing, and little chance of more!

Then again, there is always today!


A Daft Scots Lass said...

Don't beat yourself up about it. Like you said there is always tomorrow...I don't think they'd appreciate the cold chips now but I'm sure you'll think of something else to hand out. Chocolates? Everyone loves chocolate.

Mark Eames said...

Chocolate would be a gift in anyone's language! But how would I force myself to part with it - far too much temptation!!!