Thursday, August 6, 2009

FIghting Fit

My sons and I embarked on a rather ambitious adventure last night. Although, I must admit it was only I that found it ambitious. My sons think they have discovered utopia!

We went off to the local Judoka in order to join our first Judo class together. The boys absolutely loved it, almost 2 hours of exercises, fighting, wresting, and loads of incredible throws.

It has been more than 23 years since I last set foot on a Judo mat. Some things came back to me, things that had been ingrained in my being from the many years of my youth spent practising this art. Then, I was pretty good at Judo. Last night though, I was well and truly humbled!

I did discover that my fitness level is fantastic and I still have loads of my flexibility. This morning my body aches and I have some most spectacular bruises to show for my effort.

My wife is more than a little concerned... I feel challenged!


A Daft Scots Lass said...

Well done to you for getting back into it. Enjoy - you may even enjoy it when the pain subsides.

Mark Eames said...

Thanks Gillian! I hope so, otherwise it will be many painful years before my sons will allow me to gracefully bow out - I cannot believe their excitement!!