Sunday, June 14, 2009

My Sudan Holiday

Welcome back to Southern Sudan!

This sign is beautiful - If you cannot read it, it says 'For your own safety, stay on the road' Who would have thought? It only occurred to me much later that this refers to landmines lying undiscovered in the bush!!! The picture next to that one shows some cleared area of landmines. The system is simple really, the red sticks mark possible landmines and uncleared area; the white ones show safe areas. There are no signs that tell you this, you need to know!!

Here are just a heap of photographs from a trip we made to a town called Yei. It was an education in bruised bones due to the road condition!

Typical roadside ornaments!

One evening presented a little bit of lightning and no rain. I have no doubt that nobody is looking forward to the rainy season which is about to begin. Rain = lots of water = mud = chaos...

and here are the flowers outside my hut. In the mid day heat, they open, and then close for the 'cooler' parts of the day. Are they mad??