Thursday, May 7, 2009

Welcome to the Family

There is much joy and celebration in my house. My youngest surfed his first two waves yesterday!!!!

He has pestered me all week long about going to surf. This from a child who has been scared of anything bigger than his ankle depth from birth. In fact, I was beginning to think he would never get into the sea. His favourite trick has been to ask to come and surf and then when we get to the beach with all of the equipment, he changes his mind and plays in the sand dunes.

So with the sea temperature at a cool 14 degrees Celsius and a summer wetsuit far too big for him, he eventually convinced me that yesterday was the day for surfing. Talk about stacking the deck against yourself!

I was amazed when he let me take him deeper than my knees. I was further amazed when I pushed him into a tiny wave and he rode it on his stomach to the beach. I was dumbfounded when he came back for more. My face almost split into two when I told him to stand on a wave and he did. And then he did it again!

He was shivering so violently I suddenly thought I needed glasses he was so blurred! Yet when we got home, he asked to go surfing again today. That’s my boy!!! What a beautiful experience to be part of a person’s journey to conquer a fear.

I dream that one day the three of us will spend hours surfing together! Father and sons sharing a common passion, rejoicing in the beauty of nature, and wallowing in each other company! It may just come to pass!!


AngelConradie said...

Oh that is so awesome. Wow.

Unknown said...