Friday, July 18, 2008

Today has been a different day in a strange country. This past week of project #1 has been intense. Today was our first off day and pure bliss. Or at least it should have been.

An associate and I decided to do some exploring.

With windows wide open, we watched as palm trees waved lazily in the gentle breeze and an azure sea lapped gently on the shore. White sandy shores stretched along the coastline and thick dark green seaweed clung densely on the coral like rocks. Dhows floated serenely on this most tranquil sea. And all we had was time to take it all in.

One road side boasted piles of stones of different sizes, each tended by a squatting figure. There was an ancient emaciated woman who sat cross legged and beat big rocks into smaller rocks with a heavy lead pipe. I wondered if she was racing her own destiny as life beat her down until one day soon she too will just be that dust that splintered off those rocks. We were not in the market for rocks and drove on by.

With the tide well out, an impromptu soccer game started on a large sandbank completely surrounded by sea. A case of taking the opportunities that come ones way.

For once traffic was not a melange of chaos filled with cars, bicycles, pedestrians (thousands of them), push carts, motorbikes, trucks and more pedestrians. Today the city was quiet as most spent their time at home with their families. Our irony was that although the tarmac was free flowing, our families were far from us.

Feasting on all the beauty in the world, alone, is worth less than an embrace of a loved one. I am coming home soon!

1 comment:

The Divine Miss M said...

Plus today is also Madiba's birthday :)