Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I was on my way home the other day, a truly wonderful thing! We had left a chaotic and fairly typical Dar at 08h00 in the morning and got back to Cape Town around 18h00. Not bad for a normal working day. I still find travelling very difficult. For all of the travel I have done, it does not seem to get any easier. Instead I seem to get more pedantic about my needs and requirements in order to have the most pleasant trip possible. Life is still all about me!

Those 10 hours of travel were filled with chaotic rush. There was nothing that I could put my finger on to say was well done or an asset to my life or somebody else’s. How sad that a whole day can go by without me adding value somewhere? Wasteful is an understatement!

I got to thinking if it was at all possible that I could take this seemingly wasteful time and turn it into something value adding? Could I change my mindset and view my useless days of travel as an opportunity to see other’s struggles and lift my fingers to assist? I have no idea how that could work or what I could possibly do but at least I could open my eyes and start to really see the people around me.

It sounds like something worth a try. Next time you see some punk helping a lady put her luggage in the overhead luggage storage or buying a frightened flyer a cup of coffee or just having a chat to some lonely airport person, perhaps you will just have spotted me.

Or perhaps it will be you!


Anonymous said...

The owner of this blog has a strong personality because it reflects to the blog that he/she made.

The Divine Miss M said...

Oh I love talking to random strangers. They think I'm so weird :)

Glad to have you back :)

Mark Eames said...

Yeah - great to be back! Time to get some balance back in my life even though chaos reigns!

Keep talking to them strangers, then it wont only be me!

AngelConradie said...

hhmmm... definitely something to think about.
i'm one of those people who doesn't like being spoken to by random strangers out of the blue. i prefer to keep myself to myself...
it even annoys me when the cashiers are too chatty- praps i should try your angle once in a while?