Another week has blurred past living memory...
Isabella is back on sleep training. She found herself in the bad habit of waking up every other hour at night for a bottle. Now, she is going bottle free and not loving it.
Luke came third in his weight division at the Boland Judo trials and made it onto the Boland team. The SA Nationals take place at the end of June.
Matt fought like a champ, again, and won his division. He is too young for the Nationals, and seems completely unfazed that he will not be representing his Province, just yet.
I was even asked to join the team as a master. Hmm, I will have to think about that...
Six different community projects ate up some of my time. Nothing major, but a number of steps in the right direction for all of them.
Read 2 fiction books and half a non-fiction book. It turns out that Luke has read over 4,000 pages during his first school term. Not bad for a 9 year old, especially when one considers that one of those books was the ‘Chronicles of Narnia’!
A massive fire in our nature reserve has wrecked havoc. A friend’s wooden house is still standing unscathed, even though the fire burnt everything around it! 15 other families were not as lucky...
I got stuck into work and have started to produce some deliverables for a new project.
I entered two running races. This is my year to break my 3 year old goal of running two 21km races in less than 100 minutes.
I fell upstairs whilst rushing to deal with an Isabella screaming session at night. I kicked the stair so hard that I spun around and landed my pelvis on the corner of the stair. It was a little painful, and now a little bruised...
Realisation has struck home that I have written very little that is meaningful of late. Time to find time, and do some thinking.
Easter is only a week away. I am looking forward to the time I will get to spend in prayer from Thursday onwards.