Wednesday, March 17, 2010

One step forward, two back

My car saga continues.

I left for Angola hoping my imported spares would arrive just after I had left and that I would return to a completed car. I did not think that my expectations were unrealistic, but then again 15 months ago, I would never have guessed that this car would still not be parking in my garage!

The spares are yet to arrive, almost 5 weeks after being ordered, that after being promised a lead time of just 2 weeks. The poor recession has been blamed as it is rather old fashioned to now keep stuff in stock. It is now far more appropriate to disappoint the customer!

Yesterday, I met the owner of the garage that is doing my rebuild. I was informed by him that he cannot complete the project!! While I was away, the experienced mechanic that he had just hired, disappeared and had a nervous breakdown. Completely unrelated to my car, I hope, as I firmly reserve the right to the nervous breakdown linked to my car!

The owner is to focus on his strengths, which include V8’s, but not limited to them. As a result he is in the process of moving all projects out of his garage to other garages. Obviously this is as helpful to me as a hole in my head.

Perhaps I should have been excited but I was not! There are still three outside specialists busy with items on the car; interior, spray painting, and auto electrics. They all cannot complete their work until my spares arrive. Moving the car to another garage means getting all of them to move too.

Looking for a simple alternative, we tracked down the experienced mechanic. It turned out that it was pretty easy to do, dial his number and push the green button. The chap had completed his breakdown and opened his own business in my own town. He has agreed to complete the job just as soon as the spares arrive.

The good news is that I took my wife to see the car. She seemed impressed and really liked the wheels! The colour change from bright yellow to black means that she may even be able to drive it after all!!


A Daft Scots Lass said...

I liked the bright yellow!!!

AngelConradie said...

I'm with Gillian...

When do we see more pictures?