Wednesday, February 17, 2010

An update of sorts

I keep making excuses and today that just had to stop. I am determined to post a blog. This very blog you happen to be reading is the fruit of weeks of useless procrastination...

I have decided it will be an update blog! The highlights of my life, as exciting as they are...

I was recently invited to guest blog on somebody else’s site. A pretty big honour and so followed through with a couple of words on fatherhood. Check it out here (the Monday 15 February post).

My daughter is growing in leaps and bounds and starting to become her own real little person. The other night she woke up just once; it was like six Christmas’s and my birthday all rolled into one. Tell you the truth, I have found it a serious challenge to work my day away and wake up continuously at night, and then repeat the cycle for nights on end. The prospect that it may soon become manageable again, fills me with much latent excitement!

Luke has spent two Saturdays recently at the beach trying to surf his way into the Boland Grommet surfing team as an under 10. That of course means that daddy also has to spend his days on the beach. As an 8 year old, he also gets to have a ‘caddy’ in the water. I thoroughly enjoy being his caddy as it gives us some wonderful bonding time together. Of course it does mean that I get a couple of intense aqua aerobic sessions as I charge from the beach to backline and then back to the beach to collect Luke and repeat as many times as possible in 20 minutes. This past Saturday, he caught some awesome waves and surfed them so well, I could see his manoeuvres from well behind the wave. I was exhilarated! So far he has come second in both trials and made me exceptionally proud.

Matt on the other hand has started to become the most helpful kid on the block. He is into everything from cleaning the dishes to helping with dinner preparations. He has also started to skate on the halfpipe and doing very nicely at that! He is enjoying the social side of school a little too much and causing his fair share of chaos over there!

And then there is my good wife. She is back to gym twice a week and thoroughly enjoying it. The fact that she now fits back into clothes from before Matthews birth has made her smile for weeks Regardless, I think she is beautiful and wonderful, no matter what clothes she fits into

Tweety is doing well. Her electrics are 75% complete. I have also ordered the last remaining parts from the good old US of A. My latest discovery is that unless you are customising your Golf with luminous lights, skeleton shaped gear levers, or nitro conversions, you are not going to find the after-market parts for your car. Hence my need to ask the people over the sea to send some decent stuff over here! There is no way that I could expect Tweety to wear common stuff, only the best will be good enough!! Once they arrive in the next week or so, it should only take a week to finish her off and another week to touch up the paint work. After more than a year of anticipation, I am a little jaded by this project. But just maybe, it will come to be soon!

On the work front, things have gone bananas. I have been giving it horns since the beginning of December and the diary is full till the end of March. As a consultant in my own business, it could not be better! Apart from the fact that I have had to cancel a couple of my Monday morning surf sessions...

And then my ‘Fix a House’ project, where I aim to go and fix roofs and walls of some sick and infirm peoples’ shacks in Sir Lowry’s Village has amassed just more than R42,000. Yeha!!! Now I just need to find some time to spend it and do some good in this poor community.

And that’s just the fun stuff...


Unknown said...

Oh I remember the first full nights sleep after Son was born. Talk about heaven!

AngelConradie said...

I’m glad he boys are doing well and the baby is growing- are we going to see new pictures of your little princess soon?

cat said...

I love your sweet comment about your wife.