Thursday, January 21, 2010

2606km in 3 days

I had two business meetings to attend and it seemed to make sense to combine them both with a surf trip. The good folks of Bloemfontein marvelled at my surf board, as their rocky shores have probably not been surfed since the ice age! My second meeting in Port Elizabeth was the one I had my eye on as the drive back from Port Elizabeth to Cape Town is filled with world renowned surf spots. Alas it was not to be, the swell was epically small and my surfboard got to stay warm and confortable in its bag!

About a 1000km into this trip I had this marvellous idea that I should take photographs of the panaromic vistas that were spread before us like mouth watering delights. As such I missed the true Karoo scrub and the moon like feel of the Northern Cape. Oh well...we do live in a beautiful land!!

1106km - Not too far outside of Bloemfontein

1156km - still outside of Bloemfontein

1346km - Somewhere?

1587km - close to PE now

1760km - Seal Point in St Francis Bay - no waves (sniff)

2216km - a Sedgefield lagoon

2594km - Top of Sir Lowry's pass - so close to home!


AngelConradie said...

Dude... if I could get pictures like that I'd take trips like that just to take photographs!

Mark Eames said...

Thanks Angel, the hardest part is to keep stopping the car. With more time, they would have been much better and more plentiful!