Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Cat lovers

Last night was fun.

The wind howled and the plants lay flat in subservience. Everything that could fly away did, and the things that could not, flapped in vain to join them. Any washing on the line was redistributed to those downwind of you. My wife and I snuggled in bed, seemingly safe from the worries of the world outside.

And then a creature of that night came inside, something fierce and mean and thoroughly unpleasant. The neighbour’s cat! We are still not sure which neighbour but we will track them down in time. This cat has raged a war of terror on our two cats for the last nine months. This is no ordinary cat. Instead this is a sneaky, street wise fiend.

At approximately 05h31, an almighty commotion took place outside our room. Numerous things crashed and shattered. The transition from dreamland to two paces outside of my bedroom took all of an instant. Asleep on my feet, I realised that something was wrong and with one hand I shut the window that is always left open for the cats. My instinct served me well as a form barrelled down my dark passage. Without a thought I swooped and grabbed this abomination, feeling the joyous slice of claws through my flesh.

I was exhilarated. Nine months of annoyance had resulted in this moment. Hmmm, now what? I had played this scenario over in my mind many times. I had felt the sweet euphoria of dropping this pest into a cat box and ferrying it to the nearest animal shelter. I would then only pay half the money for it to be spayed to ensure that it would be done without anaesthetic! Alas, I had no cat box or a plan and so with great disappointment, I hurled this vermin out of my house. I was rather disappointed, my hands were shredded, and my prey lost. And then I heard the sweet sound of a splash as this rubbish fell into our pool in its haste to leave. I could feel my hands healing as I watched this beast swim back to the side and climb out of the pool.

Last night’s destruction included three framed photographs and an interesting wooden carving completed by my late grandfather many years ago. This rubbish and I will meet again. I have vowed to be better prepared and I guarantee that he will not leave with his nuts intact!

I was saddened by the loss of my grandfathers carving. His memory though will live on in me regardless. As will this amazing image of a cat swimming in my pool!


AngelConradie said...

oy... i am a catlover to put it mildly- being a slave to three furbabies- but there's only one way to stop someone else's cat coming into your house.
you have to catch it- like you did- and beat it. hard.
cats are unbelievably clever, and they don't forget lessons like that.

Mark Eames said...

So far so good!!