Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day Dreaming

Wow, but this has been a good week! I have gotten through a stack of admin and poured plenty of thought into my new business as well as spent time with my wife and the kids. I like weeks like this.

For any good week, there should be a commensurate reward. And so this morning at 08h30, I am off to see the dentist! Partly for an annual check up and mainly to solve the issues caused by one of my teeth. A tooth for that matter that is porcelain (or whatever substance that they use), stuck on a post, and fixed firmly to my jaw. In other words this painful manifestation in my mouth is not even a living component. Something does not add up, either that or I am just not doctor material.

While I wait in anticipation for my appointment, I am enjoying my relaxed state and day dreaming about my next business trip. Normally my trips do not require much of this dreamy state but then again there has been precious little that I have known about the countries that I have visited. This country is slightly different. There are one or two things that I do know.

Its capital city has arguably the worst traffic in the world. I can’t wait to experience that! It is also a country which has a reputation for gangsterism, corruption (more than most), kidnapping, and seriously fantastic runners. It has oil and guns in abundance, armed escorts, car hire company that supply cars with drivers (never without), and expats that live in heavily guarded compounds. It is part of Africa that I have always considered deepest darkest, although in reality, it is probably on the fringes.

I have never ever wanted to visit this place and yet now I find myself strangely fascinated by it. In just a couple of weeks, armed with just my camera, I will be breathing the questionably fresh air of Nigeria!

It has to be better than pulling teeth?


AngelConradie said...

it sounds fascinating- and i can't wait to see the pictures!

Mark Eames said...

I'm still a bit scared to take them!!