Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Time with the Family

In trying to simplify my life I am going to use a visual cue (thanks Bro A):


You have all seen the sign and for some it makes a whole heap of mathematical sense when applied to numbers. But how about when we apply this to the fabric of our lives. Part of the question that I want to answer for myself, is what is more important in my life and how I am living my life to reflect that?

While I was still at work, I yearned for more time with my family. Only 8 months ago, I gave up my career in order to go and chase that time. For me, this is one of the key parts of the greater than equation and far more important that a guaranteed pay cheque, power, prestige and the promise of future glory.

Reality has proven to be rather interesting. I have been able to play sports with both my sons and watch them in action. I have been able to fit into their lives and play with them at their best times and on their terms. I have become a real meaningful part of their lives and have managed to get down to their level and relate in a way that I never thought possible. I have also been a force of discipline in their lives, something that they have both enjoyed and hated (probably more hated). It took only three days for my youngest to ask when I would be going back to work!

On the other hand being there 24 / 7 was negative in that I became a very uninteresting piece of the furniture.

Strangely enough my being home was incredibly difficult for my wife. All of a sudden, there was no escape from me! After working at home for seven years, she suddenly had to share her office and company with me. Paradoxically while I had found my freedom, she had lost most of hers. This was not something that was expected and something that we have had to work through. Now, I would hate to have it any other way!

Part of the reason for grasping my latest consulting life was to ensure that I became exciting again and that my time at home became more valuable for all. Just last week, my wife and I had lunch together outside in the garden. Yes, the sun popped its head out from behind the walls of clouds for just a moment. The rain held off and the garden looked magnificent in its just washed splendour. Birds flitted here and there and our stream rushed seaward in its endless quest to get there. And my wife and I shared this incredibly beautiful moment in time together.

For me, just that moment made all my recent decisions and my life worthwhile!

I still feel that I am bunking reality, but it is a feeling that is rather marvellous!! I am slowly finding the balance between my family and my working life. By no means have I got it right but I have tasted the sweetness of many incredible family moments filled with pure joy and now there is no turning back....

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