Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Wow, have I lost a serious amount of time? The last two weeks have seen me climb under my rock and focus on nothing but work. And as they say, all work and no play makes me a very dull boy. Suffice to say that I will not bore you with the details of deadlines met and missed. Of presentations that were brilliant and others that were far from it. Or even the hassle of completely missed agendas within one organisation. All of that stuff is going to stay under my rock!

Instead I have a whole new thought paradigm on the go. Perhaps it has been all of the work behind my PC that has given me the urge to go out and build something with my hands. Something that I can look at, touch and even smell. My wife thinks the idea is a little too far out there. My kids think I am a hero just for thinking it up. The neighbours will wish I hadn’t!

I want to build a skateboard half pipe!

Perhaps it has been the solid days of rain in Cape Town and the total lack of surfable waves that has driven me to this point. Either way I am rather excited. A quick check on Google yielded a 14 page document on exactly how to make this happen. Now to find the time to strap on my tool belt, power up my machines and make some dust fly.

And you thought I really had become boring! Be prepared for the photographs, and the copies of the doctors bills and heaps of pain medication......

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