Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wind and Cricket

This morning I looked out the window and saw something rather surprising. The plants and trees were standing still. What, no wind? My mind raced, my body tingled. Perhaps there was a chance that I may be able to surf today after all.

For those of you not in the know, wind makes or breaks a surf break. For weeks the South Easter has blown here. This is an onshore wind for all of my very close surfing spots. An onshore wind causes the wave to collapse as it blows it over from behind.

Seeing my garden serene got my heart racing. I procrastinated a bit as I know how fickle the wind can be. But seconds later, my slops were on my feet and my car keys in my hand.

Seven minutes later I arrived at the beach. The sea was a horrible off green colour splattered with white sea horses that had been whipped into a frenzy. My car rocked on its suspension as the wind slid its foul tentacles under it trying to whisk me away. Probably a fraction under gale force!

I was home a couple of minutes later. There I reacquainted myself with the beautiful calm day that I had left only minutes before. There I found my sons ready for school, early, which was a miracle in itself! An impromptu cricket match was soon underway. A match filled with great shots from the youngsters and some truly terrible bowling from dad!

Funny how my passion was not to be this morning and yet I had just as much fun back home with my children, and we all got to have fun!

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