Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Just keep me busy

I am struggling more than ever with the concept of relaxation.

I am unable to sit down at my PC for more than a couple of minutes at a time. There is work I need to do, but cannot bring myself to get busy. There is a book I can rewrite but have not the slightest inclination. There are some major maintenance projects around the house, but I would rather not even watch the paint dry.

Instead I am happy to go surfing. Reading, cooking and baking, eating and drinking, and lots of time spent with friends all seem to be just dandy.

I have an inkling I might be unwinding from the year and there is no way I am ready to get stuck into anything remotely resembling work. Perhaps my body is way ahead of me, forcing me to take it easy.

Is it possible, I have to learn to enjoy frittering my time away instead of banking it with solidly delivered ‘to do’ items checked off the list?

The real work will find me soon enough!

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